Thursday, June 30, 2011


Lectio: Mt 11.25-30

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” Mt 11.28
"O God, You know we are weak and You have given us a wonderful remedy.
I remember Your Son invites all who are burdened to come to Him and He will give them rest - how generous and kind of Him!

Grant that I may always turn to Jesus whenever the cares or demands of duty feel burdensome knowing He will provide the respite I need.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on Jesus’ offer to give rest when I am burdened- How have I experienced it in the past? Resolve to keep Jesus’ offer in the forefront and especially to make it known to those who are troubled or burdened and to whom I am called to minister so they will be refreshed.

Tomorrow’s readings: Lk 2.41-51

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Mt 16:13-19

"O God, we must all decide for ourselves who Jesus is.

I remember Jesus declared the very point when He asked His disciples whom do they say He is?
Grant that the answer Peter gave be not only on my lips but also in my heart.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on what it means to say that Jesus is the Messiah. It means more than the "anointed One."
It means God's only Begotten Son means I have a Daddy God who loves me tremendously. Resolve to show my appreciation
by loving God with my whole heart, soul and strength and my neighbor as my self so that Jesus will be my Messiah in fact.

Tomorrow’s readings: My 9.1-8

Monday, June 27, 2011


Lectio: Mt 8.23-27

"The men were amazed and said, ‘What sort of man is this, whom even the winds and sea obey’?” Mt 8.27

"O God, what power You bestowed upon Your Son.
I remember that at His rebuke, the winds and sea became calm - how awesome!
Grant that when I am in dire straits to remember You are there with me so that I may have calm despite the turmoil and You will bring me safely to Your home.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on my trust in God - The God I believe in is so powerful that He was able to bring order out of chaos at the beginning of creation. Because He is so powerful and because He loves me and cares for me, I can and I must always put my trust in Him by putting my trust in Jesus.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 16.13-19

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Lectio: Mt 8.18-22

"But Jesus answered him, ‘Follow me, and let the dead bury the dead’.” Mt8.22

"O God, Your words are true and we must not take them lightly but sometimes we must not take them literally.

I remember Jesus told a would be disciple to ‘follow me’ and ‘let the dead bury the dead’ - how harsh these words may have been to the ears of that man!

Grant that I may get the point Jesus was making - the absolute priority of discipleship as the guiding principle for all otherwise the kingdom of this earth will take priority over the kingdom of heaven and one will be a great loser.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on Jesus’ reply to a would be follower - Realize that Jesus was using hyperbole to make a point for the dead certainly cannot bury the dead. When you realize this, you see that Jesus was stressing the absolute priority of discipleship and pray to never take Jesus’ words lightly.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 8.23-27

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Lectio: Jn 6.51-58

"I am the living Bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; an the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” Jn 6.51

"O God, You are a God of mystery and miracles.
I remember Jesus declared He is the “living Bread” and He will give us his “flesh” to eat; and He does through the Eucharist every day.
Grant that I may always partake of the Eucharist knowing that it is Jesus whom I eat and who gives me life.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on the Eucharist - It is Jesus who comes in a real, personal and loving way every time I receive it and who nourishes me with His life so that I may have eternal life - how awesome.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 8.18-22

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Lectio: Jn 3.16-18

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him, might not perish but might have eternal life.” Jn 3.1`6

"O God, You desire that we be with You for all eternity - and You made it easy for us.
I remember You sent Your only Son so that through Him we could have unending life with You.
Grant that I may be ever grateful to Your Son for becoming one of us so that we might become one with You.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on believing in Jesus - It is not simply acknowledging who He is, the Son of God. It means living the Way of life He proclaimed and especially in His Sermon on the Mount. Resolve with God’s grace to so and always let love be my guide.”

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 8.18-22

P.S. I will be on vacation until 6.25 and I will resume sharing my reflections then. All of you will be remembered in my prayers.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Lectio: Mt 6.24-34

"Can you be worrying add a single moment to your life span?” Mt 6.27
"O God, You are aware of our needs and of our greatest need - life; and You have provided for it in a most wonderful way.

I remember Jesus preached about our worrying about our needs and our life span for He assured us that You know our needs and You will provide for them.
Grant that I may seek the kingdom and strive for the righteous and allow You to be You.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on worry - At the heart of it is our desire to be in control of what we are not. Resolve to pray and hope and not worry knowing in faith that Jesus already has provided us life after death to those who believe in Him. Jn 3.16 .

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 3.16-18

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Lectio: Mt 6.19-23

"For where your treasure is, there also is your heart.” 6.21
"O God, You have given us so much but the best You gave us is eternal life with You if we respond to You.

I remember Jesus preached that where our treasure is, there also is our heart.
Grant that I You may always be the desire of my heart.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on my treasures - I have been gifted with faith and with many things and with many friends. Resolve to always keep God as the center of my life and rejoice in the other gifts I have received from such a good and loving God.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 6.24-34

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Lectio: Mt 6.7-15

"This is how you are to pray: Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your name.”Mt 6.9
"O God, You so want us to be comfortable in addressing you and you prescribed the appropriate way of addressing you.

I remember Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount taught His followers how to pray to you addressing You as Father and that all are to reverently use that Name.
Grant that I may always remember that I am Your child and that You so want me to acknowledge You as my Father.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on God as my Father - Wow! I can’t be anything more than a child of God. Resolve to live my life so as to honor Him and so that He will always be proud to call me son.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 6.19-23

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Lectio: Mt 6.1-6, 16-18

"[But] take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.” Mt 6.1
"O God, You want us to do good deeds - but You want us to them for Your glory.
I remember Jesus as part of His Sermon on the Mount warned the people not to give alms, nor to pray, nor to fast in order to be seen by people for that is the wrong motive and it not be rewarded by You.

Grant that I may routinely do the ascetical practices but always to give You glory and not fro earthly recognition.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on my motives for praying, fasting and almsgiving - Resolve to avoid the trap of doing them for people to see; and before doing them, offer them for the greater glory of God and whenever possible, do them in a discrete way.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 6.7-15

Monday, June 13, 2011


Lectio: Mt 5.43-48

"So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Jn 5.48

"O God, You want us to be like You as You made us Your children through baptism.
I remember Jesus urges us to be perfect as You are perfect - but how?
Grant that I may live like Your child and let love be my whole way of being.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on what it means to “be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” - It obviously does not mean t do things that are beyond our God-given capacities. The evangelist Luke gives the best insight for he wrote that we should be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful - Mercy has not limits just perfection has not limits - so resolve to be kind and merciful to all.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 6.1-6, 16-18

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Lectio: Mt 5.38-42

"But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.” Mt 5.39

"O God, You know the dark side of our nature and You want us to master it.
I remember Jesus taught that we should not retaliate when we are hurt and would be a major step in curbing this evil instinct within us.
Grant that I may repay hate with love as I ought and as You desire.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on vengeance - It is an automatic prompt within which does not stop the evil but keeps it going. Resolve to be a peace maker and readily forgive and let go of the hurt, even if I cannot forget it and the Trinity will be pleased and well served by me.
Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 5.43-48

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Lectio: Jn 20.19-23

"And when he [Jesus] said this, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the holy Spirit’.” Jn 20.22

"O God, You know our needs and You are so generous in responding to them.
I remember Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to His disciples that first Easter Sunday evening and they in turn have given us the Holy Spirit through Baptism and Confirmation down through the ages as part of Your plan for us.

Grant that I may be ever grateful for Your Spirit’s presence in my life.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on the Holy Spirit - Breath of God, River of Living Waters, Tongues o Fire, a Dove, a Mighty Wind - source of love, strength, and wisdom. Resolve to pray always to the Holy Spirit and invite Him into my daily life and all my real needs will be met.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 5.38-42

Friday, June 10, 2011


Lectio: Jn 21.20-25

"Jesus said to him [Peter], ‘What if I want him [John] to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow me’.” Jn 21.22

"O God, Your ways are at times so mysterious and are not for us to know.
I remember Jesus told Peter it was not his concern whether John would remain until Jesus came again.

Grant that when I am anxious about things I do not understand, to simply follow Jesus despite my lack of understanding and do so especially when times are dark and unsettling.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on my inquisitiveness - Do I let go in the face of imponderables or do I persist? Resolve to trust God in all things and especially at such times when I cannot understand the ‘Why?’ for He alone knows all things and even brings good out of bad.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 7.37-39

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Lectio: Jn 21.15-19

"He said to him a third time, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was distressed that he said to him a third time, ‘Do you love me?’ and he said to him, ‘Lord, you know everything, You know that I love you,.’ [Jesus] said to him, ‘Feed my sheep’.” Jn 21.17

"O God, You are so kind and merciful,
I remember Jesus not only gave Peter the opportunity to make up for his threefold denial with a threefold protestation of Peter’s love for Him, But He also appointed Peter head of His church to bring others to Him - Wow!

Grant that I may always rejoice in Your mercy and turn to You whenever I fail, knowing You are waiting for my return.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on God’s mercy - unending, unconditional, solicitous, inviting - Resolve to always give thanks to God for being so merciful, a God, whom one can count on His love, and One who is not a “Gotcha God” - a God that is not waiting to zap you as soon as you fail.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 21. 20-25

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Lectio: Jn 17.20-26

"And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth.” Jn 17.19
"O God, You are the source of truth and You know that the truth will set us free.
I remember Jesus consecrated Himself in truth so that we may also be dedicated to truth.
Grant that I may imitate the dedication of Your Son for truth who died rather than deny it.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on the fact that I am a gift to Jesus from His Father - I always considered Jesus as the Father's gift to me. As a gift to Jesus I must try to a worthy gift by living as a true brother of His.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 21.15-19

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Lectio: Jn 17.11b-19

"And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth.” Jn 17.19
"O God, You are the source of truth and You know that the truth will set us free.
I remember Jesus consecrated Himself in truth so that we may also be dedicated to truth.
Grant that I may imitate the dedication of Your Son for truth who died rather than deny it.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on truth - Why is the knowing of the truth so important? Do I realize that at my baptism I was anointed with chrism and thereby dedicated to a life like Your Son lived and thus I, too, have been consecrated in truth and I, too, must live it.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 17.20-26

Monday, June 6, 2011


Lectio: Jn 17.1-11a

"I glorified you on earth by accomplishing the work that you gave me to do.” Jn 17.4
"O God, to You we are to give glory - but how?
I remember Jesus said He did it by accomplishing the work You gave to Him.
Grant that I, too, may accomplish the work You gave to me so that I, too, may give You the glory You to which You are entitled as my God.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on the work God gave me to do - It flows from my state in life - a priest, a father, a grand and great grandfather, a sibling, a friend. Resolve to address those areas in my life that I have not done what my state in life dictates should be done.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 17.11b–19

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Lectio: Jn 16.29-33

"I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” Jn 16.33

"O God, You know we are anxious about many things - but that is not Your will for us.
I remember Jesus declared to His disciples that they would have trouble after He died but to have courage for He is the source of peace for them.

Grant that when I am anxious and worried, to turn them over to Lord with trust and I can then let go of them.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on what causes me to worry or to be anxious - Isn’t at the heart of it my desire to be in control? Resolve to let God be God and remember He is in charge and I can trust in Him to do what is best for me and for those for whom I am concerned.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 17.1-11a

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Lectio: Jn 17.1-11a

"Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” Jn 17.3

"O God, in Your kindness You ordained that we mortals, would have eternal life begin in the here and the now.

I remember Jesus in His prayer to You, declared that eternal life is to know You and Him.
Grant that I may show that I know both of You by loving both of You and all others as I love myself so that I may enjoy life with both of You now.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on Jesus’ declaration of eternal life - To know, means to love; to love means to submit one’s will to the beloved. The formula is easy the doing is not. But with God’s grace we can attain the greatest of grace, eternal life.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 16.29-33

Friday, June 3, 2011


Lectio: Jn 16.23b-28

"Amen, amen, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give to you.” Jn 16.23b

"O God, You are the source of all good for us.

I remember Jesus said that if we ask for anything in His name, You would give it to us - How generous and gracious.

Grant that I may only ask what will unite me with You and Your Son for that is the best of all gifts.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on the prayer of petition - Jesus’ declaration seems absolute - Ask, and I will receive - But it is not. A good father will never give his child something that he knows is not good for his child. Jesus also told us that His Father loves us and He certainly will act in our best interest even if we do not ask. But He wants us to ask so that we are mindful of the source of all that is good that we receive so that we in turn will know He loves us and we will return that love.

Tomorrow’s reading: Mt 28.16-20

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Lectio: Jn 16.20-23

"You will grieve, but your grief will become joy.” Jn 12.20b
"O God, You alone can bring joy out of grief.

I remember Jesus promised this would happen - How? His message: “I am the resurrection and the life, all those who believe in me even though they die, shall live and I will bring them to eternal life.” Jn 11.25
Grant that I may see death for what it is - the door to Jesus’ place and life everlasting and then the grief that occurs over the death of my loved ones will become joy.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on grief and its impact - It is a major emotional downer. Only Christ’s promise of resurrected life makes it otherwise. Focus on the joy that my loved one who has died is now experiencing rather than the loss I am now feeling and Jesus’ words will come true for me for my grief will become joy.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 16.23b-28

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Lectio: Mt 28.16-20

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit.” Mt 28.19

"O God, You want Your kingdom and You love known by all.

I remember Jesus commissioned His disciples, right before He ascended to You, to go to all nations and make disciples and confirm their choice with baptism.
Grant that I may do my part to make the Good News known to others.
I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on my call to evangelize - How I do it as a lay person? How do I do it as a priest? Resolve to live by Christ’s decree all my days for a life well lived is the best way to attract others to the Good News.

Tomorrow’s reading: Jn 16.2-23