Lectio: Jn 1.1-18
Meditatio: “But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name." Jn 1.12
Oratio: O God, how gracious of You to allow us the be Your children through belief in Your Son. Pray for a strong faith so that I may always live and act as Your child.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “become children...God...believe...name"; what a gift we are given because of our belief in Jesus - children of God! Seek the grace to be what a child of God ought to be and we will bask in our Heavenly Father's love forever.
Tomorrow's reading: Lk 2.16-21
Lectio: Lk 2.16-21
Meditatio: “So they went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in a manger." Lk 2.16
Oratio: O God, the shepherds were the first to visit and pay homage to Your Son showing that the lowly would accept Your Son and in the end of His days here on earth, so it would be. Pray for a meek and humble heart so as to be pleasing to You as were the shepherds.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “went...found...infant...manger"; seek and you will find-that is the advice of Your Son and that was the advice that the Shepherds took to their great joy. Seek the grace to follow the promptings of the Lord that are often given through those who are meek and humble of heart
for they are meant for our good.
Tomorrow's reading: Jn 1.19-28
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Lectio: Lk 2.36-40
Meditatio: “And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who waiting redemption o f Jerusalem.” Lk 2.38
Oratio: O God, Your Son was recognized by Anna in the Temple and she, too, praised you for sending the redeemer. .Pray to recognize Christ at work in others for that is how He comes to us today,
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “she....thanks....all...redemption” Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, like Simeon, immediately recognized the child Jesus as the redeemer. Seek the grace to proclaim Jesus is alive and among us in our brothers and sisters and take their messages to heart.
Tomorrow's reading: Jn 1.1-18
Monday, December 28, 2015
Lectio: Lk 2.22-35
Meditatio: “just as I t is written in the law of the Lord, ‘Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord’.” Lk 2. 23
Oratio: O God, Your Son’s family were observant Jews and accordingly they presented their child in the Temple to be consecrated to You..Pray to be observant of the laws of my church and You will be greatly pleased.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “law....every male...consecrated:; imagine if every male would be consecrated to the Lord, today, what a world we would be living in. Seek the grace to comply with all church law and especiatlly those which call for us to be consecrated on God’s work.
Tomorrow's reading: Lk 2.36-40
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Lectio: Lk 2.41-52
Meditatio: “When Herod realized that he had been deceived by the magi, he ordered the massacre of all the boys two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had ascertained from the magi.” Mt 2.16
Oratio: O God, how the desire for power can corrupt. In the case of King Herod, his fear of a successor to his throne, led him to kill all the boys two and younger in Bethlehem and vicinity thinking the new born king would be killed in the process..Pray to these Holy Innocents that whatever power or authority you have, to use it for the good of others for that is why it has been given to you.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “Herod....ordered....massacre....boys....Bethlehem”; What evil the thirst for power can lead us as we learned about King Herod’s killing of all the young boys. Seek the grace to use one’s position and one’s authority wisely and for good for that is the only way of pleasing God with who and what we are.
Tomorrow's reading: Lk 22-35
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Lectio: Lk 2.41-52
Meditatio: “And he said to them, ‘Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house’?” Lk 2.49
Oratio: O God, Your Son remained behind when He was 12 when the family’s pilgrimage to Jerusalem was over, and Mary and Joseph searched for him for three days before finding Him in the Temple listening to and asking questions of the teachers. When Mary asked, ‘Why?’,He reminded her of a profound truth that You were His Father. Pray that I may learn from the conclusion of today’s episode of the importance of obedience - of children to their parents and to grown-ups to those in authority; and most importantly to God who is are All and are End.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “why....looking....Father’s house”; Jesus at age 12 was an adult in the view of ANE protocol. As result, He would have traveled with other adults and not with His parents in the caravan as it left Jerusalem It was only after they had left the city and would also be leaving the caravan that they looked for Jesus and to their great concern realized that He was missing and a three day search ensued, I am sure, with great anxiety for Mary and Joseph.. Seek the grace to take as the lesson of today’s Gospel that children, until they leave home are still children, and love and obedience is due to their parents.
Tomorrow's reading: Mt 2.13-18
Friday, December 25, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Lectio: Lk 1.57-66
Meditatio: “but his mother said in reply, ‘No. He will be called John’.”: Lk 1.60
Oratio: O God, Elizabeth surprised everyone when she said her son will be called John and even more surprised when Zechariah agreed and he was then able to speak. Pray to do God’s will and you will be amazed what God over time will do for you.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “He...called Johns”; The Baptist was called John for that was the name given to his parents and they did God’s bidding and not there. Seek the grace to do God’s work in all your endeavors and in the long run you will be greatly enriched..
Tomorrow's reading:Lk 1.67-79
Monday, December 21, 2015
Lectio: Lk 1.46-56
Meditatio: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord” Lk 1.46b
Oratio: O God, Mary responded to Elizabeth’s greeting with the words which became the very title of one of the most beautiful prayers - the Magnificat. It has been known as such since the late 4th c. It from is Latin which means ‘magnifies’ or ‘proclaims’. . Pray to be instruments of God’s love for others so our souls, too, will magnify the greatness of the Lord and the Lord will in turn bless us.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “proclaims....greatness”; Mary’s soul proclaimed the greatness of the Lord because she allowed God to use her as His instrument to bring about the birth of Jesus and then through Jesus our birth as God’s children. Seek the grace to magnify God’s greatness by being His love for others.
Tomorrow's reading:Lk 1.57-66
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Lectio: Lk 1.39-45
Meditatio: “During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country with haste to a town of Judah.” Lk 1.39
Oratio: O God, Mary showed us a marvelous example when she learned that her cousin Elizabeth was with child, for she when ‘with haste’ to her showing that we can also count on Mary to respond to our ordinary needs. Pray to be a docile and loving child of Mary for she so much deserves our love and devotion.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “Mary.... with haste...Judah”; Mary shows us the way to respond to those in need. Do so ‘with haste’ or as another translation states’ with great thoughtfulness’. Seek the grace to love Mary as our Mother and emulate her example in dealing with her children for that is the best way to show your love for her.
Tomorrow's reading:Lk 1.39-45
Friday, December 18, 2015
Lectio: Lk 1. 5-25
Meditatio: “So has the Lord done for me at a time when has seen fit to take away my disgrace before others.” Lk 1.25
Oratio: O God, You miraculously intervened so that Elizabeth would bear a son in her old age and take away the opprobrium that people had for her since she was childless. Pray that I may never rash judge others or place standards of conduct on others that are not divine based.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “Lord....take away...disgrace”; under the thinking of the time to be childless meant that you were not favored by God. Seek the grace to see others in the light of Christ and avoid negative judgments on others for that is the way that God wants of us.
Tomorrow's reading:Lk 1.39-45
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Lectio: Lk 7. 18b-23
Meditatio: “When the men came to him, they said, ‘John the Baptist has sent us to you to asks,’Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another’.” Lk 7.20
Oratio: O God, Your Son made it very clear to John’s disciples that He was the Messiah, relying on deeds and not words to make it known. Pray to Jesus for coming to us to bring us home.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “John..sent... are you...one”; Jesus answered with His history of deeds and all knew he was the Messiah. Seek the grace to spread the Good News so that others will come to know and believe and be saved.
Tomorrow's reading:Mt1.1-17
Monday, December 14, 2015
Lectio: Mt 21.28-32
Meditatio: “ What is your opinion? A man had two sons....Which of the two did his father’s wills’?” Mt 21.28a, 31a
Oratio: O God, Your Son told a parable about two sons to show how inconsistent the religious leaders are for tax collectors and sinners were accepting Him while they were rejecting Him. Pray to accept the Word of God and live it for therein is my hope and my salvation.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “two sons.....which...father’s will”; the one son who first refused to do the father’s will but did it and not the one who said he would but did not. Seek the grace to readily believe the Good News and live it for therein lies my greatest good..
Tomorrow's reading:Lk 18b-23
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Lectio: Mt 21.23-27
Meditatio: “ When he came into the temple area, the chief priests and the elders of the people approached him as he was teaching and said, ‘By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave you this authority’.” Mt 21.23
Oratio: O God, people, who sincerely seek the truth, will find it; but those who simply want to entrap those who proclaim the truth, will not. The religious leaders were not interested in the source of Jesus’ authority, they only hoped to entrap Him by His own words and declare Him a blasphemer. Pray to seek the truth always and proclaim it to others as well for the truth will set us free.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “priests...elders....authority....these things.....who”; Jesus replied to the religious leaders with a question and when they coped a plea and said they did not the source of the Baptists’ mission, it was obvious to all, who heard the exchange, that Jesus had won the debate. Seek the grace to be a sincere questioner for the purpose of enhancing one’s faith and willing share the answers who are also seeking the truth and God will be pleased.
Tomorrow's reading: :Mt 21.28-32
Lectio: Mt 21.23-27
Meditatio: “ When he came into the temple area, the chief priests and the elders of the people approached him as he was teaching and said, ‘By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave you this authority’.” Mt 21.23
Oratio: O God, people, who sincerely seek the truth, will find it; but those who simply want to entrap those who proclaim the truth, will not. The religious leaders were not interested in the source of Jesus’ authority, they only hoped to entrap Him by His own words and declare Him a blasphemer. Pray to seek the truth always and proclaim it to others as well for the truth will set us free.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “priests...elders....authority....these things.....who”; Jesus replied to the religious leaders with a question and when they coped a plea and said they did not the source of the Baptists’ mission, it was obvious to all, who heard the exchange, that Jesus had won the debate. Seek the grace to be a sincere questioner for the purpose of enhancing one’s faith and willing share the answers who are also seeking the truth and God will be pleased.
Tomorrow's reading: :Mt 21.28-32
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Lectio: Lk 3. 10-18
Meditatio: “ John answered them all, saying, ‘I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming....He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire’.” Lk 3.16a,16c
Oratio: O God, John the Baptist made it clear that he was not the Messiah but the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire and not with water as John was doing. Pray and express your gratitude for being born at a time when you can easily recognize the Messiah and how you have been blest by the Holy Spirit at your Baptism
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “baptizing...water...baptize...Holy Spirit”; Jesus did reveal Himself clearly to the people of His days and we are the beneficiary of their faith. Seek the grace to live in the Spirit and show it in the love you have for others.
Tomorrow's reading: :Mt 21.23-27
Friday, December 11, 2015
12.09 to 12.11.15
Lectio: Mt 11.11-15
Meditatio: "And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah, the one who is to come." Mt 11.14
Oratio: O God, Jesus made it clear that Elijah, who was to come before the Messiah, had indeed come in the person of John, the Baptist. Pray to accept the words of Jesus for He can neither deceive nor be deceived.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: "if...accept...he..Elijah"; John the Baptist was the precursor of Jesus, fulfilling the role of Elijah, and thus fulfilling the expectations of the people. Seek the grace of a strong faith in Jesus for He is my All.
Tomorrow's reading: Mt 11.16-19
Lectio: Mt 11.16-19
Meditatio: "And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah, the one who is to come." Mt 11.14
Oratio: O God, Jesus made it clear that Elijah, who was to come before the Messiah, had indeed come in the person of John, the Baptist. Pray to accept the words of Jesus for He can neither deceive nor be deceived.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: "if...accept...he..Elijah"; John the Baptist was the precursor of Jesus, fulfilling the role of Elijah, and thus fulfilling the expectations of the people. Seek the grace of a strong faith in Jesus for He is my All.
Tomorrow's reading: Lk 1/26-38
Lectio: :Lk 1.26-38
Meditatio: "And coming to her, he said, ‘Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you’.” Lk 1.28
Oratio: O God, Mary was highly favored by You and Mary in turn has highly favored us down through the ages including her appearance at Guadalupe. Pray that I may be always favored by Mary and she will guide me in the right paths to the kingdom.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “favored....Lord...you”; Mary was graced in being offered to be the mother of Jesus and Mary in turn has graced us as her children. Seek the grace to always do what is right and pleasing to Mary, our Mother through grace,
and she will lead us home.
Tomorrow's reading:Lk3.10-18
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Lectio: Mt 11.28-30
Meditatio: “ Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.”
Mt 11.29
Oratio: O God, Your Son knew how heavy life is for us at times and He generously offered to us His yoke for He knew His yoke is well fitting and would not cause painful rubbing and our burdens would be made lighter for He would be sharing them with us. Pray to willingly take on the yoke of Christ and allow Him to use us to help the burdens of others for that is His wish.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “my yoke....learn...I...meek... humble”; Jesus so much wanted to lift the burdens of life from us so we would not be crushed by them; and He wanted us to learn from Him - the great Law of Love - for He knew this would in turn make the burdens of others much lighter. Seek the grace to be a willing instrument of the Lord so as to spread His love.
Tomorrow's reading: :Mt 11.11-15
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Lectio: Lk 5.17-26
Meditatio: "Then astonishment seized them all and they glorified God, and, struck with awe, they said, ‘We have seen incredible things today’.” Lk 5.26
Oratio: O God, Your Son could not have made it clearer to the religious leaders of the Jews who He is for in front of an audience of religious leaders from ‘every villages of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem’, Jesus healed a paralytic after first publicly forgiving his sins - a power that is God’s alone- and these leaders that day were in awe. Pray that the many wonderful things God performs daily for us may be always be remembered and that we may be always grateful.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “struck...awe....in credible”; the reaction of the Jewish religious leaders from all over was one of awe at Jesus first forgiving a paralytic and then to show He had the power to forgive, commanding the paralytic to stand up and walk, and he did. Seek the grace to be ever grateful to Jesus for clearly revealing His identity and always place our trust in Him.
Tomorrow's reading: :Lk 1.26-38
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Lectio: Lk 3.1-9
Meditatio: "He went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins..” Lk 3.3
Oratio: O God, Your Son’s coming was prepared by John, the Baptist. He did so by proclaiming a baptism for the forgiveness of sins and he cried out to make the mountains low and every filled. Pray to respond to his call and get to confession and experience Jesus’ forgiveness.
Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.
Operatio: reflect: “baptism...repentance...forgiveness”; repentance and Baptism are two contrasting truths. Repentance calls us to look at the valleys of our life - our sinfulness and seek forgiveness; while Baptism calls us to look at the mountains of our life and realize we have been forgiven. Seek the grace to be ever grateful to the Lord for forgiving us our sins and to routinely go to confession for it is the sure sign that our present sins are forgiven and we will be richly blest for as John declared ‘all flesh will see the salvation of God.’
Tomorrow's reading: Lk 5.17-26
P.S. I was on retreat this past week and I remembered all in my prayer.
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