Friday, October 29, 2010


Lk 14.1, 7-11

Meditatio: “For everyone who exalts himself, will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself, will be exalted.” Lk 14.11

Oratio: "O God, our recognition who we are is so important not only in our relationship with others but also with you.

I remember Jesus taught the practical importance of humility in the context of decorum at a wedding dinner with the punch line that importance is not something we assume, but what is in fact.

Grant that I may always have a humble heart for that will guarantee that my relationship with others and most importantly with You will be proper and right.

I ask this of You, who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: Reflect on the motives which drive me. Is inordinate pride a factor? If so, weed it out by practicing humility in such situations.

Tomorrow’s reading - Lk 19.1-10

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