Saturday, April 9, 2011


Lectio: Jn 11.1-45

Meditatio: “Jesus told her (Martha), ‘I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live’.” Jn 11.25

“O God, You know that our greatest limitation and our greatest fear is death - but You do not want us to fear and You want life for us.

I remember Jesus proclaimed to Martha that He is the resurrection and the life and that all who believe in Him, even if they die, will live - Wow! How awesome!
Grant that I may always believe in Jesus and reflect that belief in commitments made and kept, love offered and given for that is what He wants of His believers.

I ask this of You, who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: Reflect on Christ’s proclamation of the gift of eternal life to those who believe. Do I thank God for this greatest of gifts? Do I show my belief in Jesus in the way I live my life?
Tomorrow’s reading - Jn 8.1-11

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