Sunday, October 25, 2015
10.24 & 10.25.15
Lectio: Mk 10.46-52
Meditatio: “Jesus told him, 'Go your way; your faith has saved you.' Immediately he received his sight and followed him on his way." Mk 10.52
Oratio: O God, Jesus not only cured Bartimaeus of his blindness but Bartimaeus by his immediate action of following Jesus up the way to Jerusalem and Calvary shows what we should do. Pray to follow Jesus in this life and you will find a sure leader to lead you to the end of life's journey - the kingdom.
I ask this and all things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Contemplatio: spend some time in silence & meditate on the selected passage and hear what God speaks to you,
Operation: reflect: "faith...saved...received...sight...followed him"; blind but now he can see because Bartimaeus put his faith in Jesus. Seek the grace to see things as I ought and I, too, will be richly blest in this life and the next.
Tomorrow's reading:Lk 13.10-17
Lectio: Lk 13.10-17
Meditatio: “When Jesus saw her, he called to her and said, ‘Woman, you are set free of your infirmity’.” Lk 13.12
Oratio: O God, Jesus by His words and His touch cured a woman who was unable to stand erect for 18 years. How sad that the religious leaders only saw curing as work and unlawful to do on the Sabbath. Pray to have a true conscience and allow Love to be your guide in all situations of doubt.
I ask this and all things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Contemplatio: spend some time in silence & meditate on the selected passage and hear what God speaks to you,
Operation: reflect: ""; by a touch and a command, Jesus did a marvelous thing but His religious critics could only see it as a violation of their interpretation of work forbidden on the Sabbath. Seek the grace to keep holy the Sabbath but never allow it to be an excuse to do show selfless love for a person in need.
Tomorrow's reading: Lk 13.18-21
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