Monday, July 9, 2012

7.09.12 Lectio: Hos 8.4-7,11-13 Meditatio: "With silver and gold they made idols for themselves to their own destruction.” Hos 8.4b Oratio:”O God, You watch over us and guide us - but we often ignore You. I remember Your prophet Hosea reminded Your chosen people that they made idols of silver and gold and worshiped them instead of You - to their destruction. Grant that I may realize the danger of putting things above You and realize they are helps for us to love and serve You and not ends in themselves. I ask this of You, who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.” Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes. Operatio: Reflect on “idol”; means “a god”; someone or some thing we worship other than the one true God, such as power, prestige, money and the like. In prayer ask for the grace to discern the true and highest good - God; and for the grace to see that other goods are only aids for us and not ends in themselves. Tomorrow’s reading: Hos 10.1-3,7-8,12

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