Saturday, December 8, 2012


Lectio: Bar 5.1-9Meditatio: "For God has commanded that every mountain be made low. And the age-old depths and gorges be filled to level ground." Bar 5.7

Oratio: "O God, You know us and You know are tendencies to go to the extremes.

I remember Your Baruch, the secretary to Your prophet, Jeremiah, wrote that the mountains are to be made level and the valleys filled in - a euphemism for eliminating the vices in one’s life and replacing them with virtues.
Grant that I may anticipate Your destiny for me by living in peace and harmony now.
I ask these and all things through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: reflect on "mountain...low; ...gorges...filled."; These represented the highs and lows of Israel’s life; times of over-confidence and times of despair, times of prosperity and times of poverty; times of zeal and times of apathy; these were extremes and spiritual gurus tells us that extremes are were vice lies while the middle or the flat or level is where virtue lies and that is what God wants from all of us. In prayer seek the grace to replace obsessions, vices with acceptance and with virtues.

Tomorrow's reading: Is 35.1-10

P.S. My retreat was a good one and I remembered all in my prayers.

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