Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lectio 8.01.13

Lectio: 8.01.13                

Mt 13.54-58                                                    

Meditatio: "And he [Jesus] did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith.” Mt 13:58

Oratio: O God, You gave us so much that we would believe and still many of us remain obstinate.

I remember Your Son told the people of His home town that they did not accept Him even though He had done many mighty deeds elsewhere and because of their lack of fath, He was not able to work many miracles in Nazareth.

Grant that I may be ever blest with the gift of faith and always have the openness of a child to the things that are divine. I ask all these things through Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You, and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: spend some time in silence and meditate on the selected passage and hear what God is saying to you.

Operatio: reflect on "mighty"; miracles; something beyond the capacity of a human being or nature; faith - a confident hope that something unseen - IS! In prayer may I always believe in miracles for they still happen and may I always have faith whether a miracle happens when I seek one and do not get one, for it is not my decision but God’s when and where He will act, but remember He has already given us the greatest miracle s- our life and His Son.

Tomorrow's reading: Mt 14.1-12

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