Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lectio Divina - The Study and Meditation on Sacred Scripture

Beginning this Church Year (November 29, 2009) I have been sharing through group emailings the Scripture verse which struck me most from my daily use of Lectio Divina and as well as my prayer which Lectio Divina generated for me.

Below are the steps Lectio Divina. I use one of the readings from the next day’s Lectionary for my daily Lectio material. If you decide to use Lectio Divina, you can use any biblical passage to be studied including simply using my selection. For your convenience, I will end my email with the citation to the next day’s Lectionary selection that I will be using.

Lectio - is the reading and studying of the divine text. Slowly read the chosen text in a low voice…Kiss the book of the Word…it is a love letter which is not read by making a grammatical analysis or a logical analysis! Read it twice.

Meditatio - is the pondering of the text that you selected and read. Reread it for the third time. Select a word or phrase or verse that impresses you. Meditate on it. Write down this preferred word, phrase or verse and leave it in view. This will be your day’s precious gem.

Oratio – consists in a prayerful application of the God’s word to you. It has four parts:
“O God..... I remember.....Grant that ..... I ask this of you, who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.”

Contemplatio – is an elevation of the soul to God in silent waiting. Keep silence and remain still in recollection. Silence takes the place of language in God’s company.

I hope that my daily sharing of the results of my Lectio Divina will encourage you to make it part of your spirituality. I have been using Lectio daily since 2006 and I have found that 20" to 30" involved, was and is very small as to what I get out of it.

Father Pop-Pop

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