Thursday, January 14, 2016

01.13 & 14

Lectio:  Mk 1.40-45

Meditatio: “Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, 'I do will it. Be made clean'." MK 1.41

Oratio: O God, Jesus with a touch and a command, healed a leper, the incurable of the time! Pray with confidence to the Lord, no matter how desperate the need, whether Jesus will work a miracle, is up to Jesus, but in fact a miracle of faith has already occurred by your turning to Him.

Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.

Operatio: reflect: “pity...touched...made clean"; the power of intercessory prayer is evident in Jesus cure of the leper. Seek the grace to always plead before the Throne of Mercy your needs for you will always receive an answer and God will help you by answering your plea or be helping you get through your time of need.

Tomorrow's reading: Mk 2.1-12


Lectio:  Mk 2.1-12

Meditatio: “But that you may know the Son of Man has the authority to forgive sins on earth - he said to the paralytic, ' I say to you, rise, pick up your mat , and go home'." Mk 2.10

Oratio: O God, Jesus with His words alone, forgave  sins and healed a paralytic in the sight of the unbelieving religious leaders.  Pray to imitate the four friends of the paralytic and readily pray for the welfare of others.

Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.

Operatio: reflect: “authority...forgive...rise"; the power of intercessory prayer is evident in Jesus' cure of the paralytic for He did so because of the faith of the four men who carried the paralytic and lowered him through the roof to Jesus.  Seek the grace to readily pray for the needs of others for such prayers are so powerful.

Tomorrow's reading: Mk 2.13-17

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