Sunday, January 17, 2016


Lectio:  Mk 2.18-22                            

Meditatio: “Jesus answered them, ‘Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast’.” Mk 2.19

Oratio: O God, Jesus’ disciples did not fast and the Pharisees’ and the Baptist’s disciples did and they wanted to know why His disciples did not. His replied showed that one of the purposes of fasting was to hasten the coming of the Messiah and by His identifying Himself as the Bridegroom, He was using an Old Testament symbol for the Messiah and therefore His coming negated fasting. But He also said that when He leaves, they will and they did. Pray to make fasting part of your spirituality and do so for Jesus’ sake                    

Contemplatio: Spend some time with today's text and see how the Lord is speaking to you.

Operatio: reflect: “guests fast....bridegroom....them”; Jesus replied to the why His disciples did not fast while others do, is that His presence has fulfilled the main purpose of fasting. Sadly His religious proponent missed the heart of His reply. Seek the grace of gratitude for having been born at a time, when Jesus’ words are understood and there is no longer any reason not to  plainly declare that Jesus is the Messiah.
Tomorrow's reading: Mk 2.23-28

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