Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tomorrow’s selection is from Mt 10.16-23


Lectio -Mt 10.16-23

Meditatio: “And you will be led before Governors and kings for my sake as a witness before them and the pagans.” Mt 10.18

Oratio: "O God, You have gifted us with faith and You expect us to share that gift with others.

I remember Jesus declared to his disciples that they must witness for Him before governors and kings and that Your Spirit would give them what to say when they are called.

Grant that I may never shirk from my duty to witness before others my faith in You and Your Son but rather may I always joyfully share it with others especially to those to whom I am sent.

I ask this of You, who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.”

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: Today, I will reflect on how well I am doing as an evangelizer and whether I am living an authentic Christian life which is the best way of witnessing.

Tomorrow’s selection is from Mt 10.24-33

P.S. I will leaving on a pilgrimage to Fatima today. I will try to post my daily reflections on my blog if I can gain access to a computer over there. If not I will post them when I return. My blog address is Father I will remember all of you in my prayers at the shrine of our Lady

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