Sunday, November 2, 2014


Lectio: Lk 14.12-14                            

Meditatio: "Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind,:”
 Lk 14.13                                                                       

Oratio: O God, You have a special love for the poor, the oppressed, the outcast - the anawin.          

I remember Jesus told a host that these are the ones whom he should invite to his banquet because they cannot repay him for doing so. The Lord will repay him in the resurrection. He will also find the anawin at the heavenly banquet for the Lord will take care of them for He loves those who many consider unlovable.  In prayer seek the grace to treat all who are oppressed, financially, mentally, physically and socially as honored guests of the Lord for so they are.

I ask this and all things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: spend some time in silence and meditate on the selected passage and hear what
God is saying to you.

Operatio:  reflect:” banquet....invite....poor...blind”; be gracious to those who are the have nots and the Lord will be graciosus to you for they are very important to Him and they are deserving of our love out of love for Him. Seek the grace to do so.                                            

Tomorrow's reading: Lk 14.15-24

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