Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Lectio: Lk 12.49-53                                        
Meditatio: "From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two, two against three.” Lk 23.52                                                                               

Oratio: O God, You know that truth is often not recognized by all.                 
I remember Jesus told His followers that His mission, His proclamations, would cause division even in households for not all will accept the Gospel. In prayer seek the grace to be open to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to direct me and do what I should regardless as whether those around me accept His direction.

I ask this and all things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever

Contemplatio: spend some time in silence and meditate on the selected passage and hear what
God is saying to you.

Operatio: reflect:"be divided....two against three”; Jesus knew that not all would accept the Good News and His proclamations would cause division even at the family level. Seek the grace to be always open to the tenets of the Good News as proclaimed by the Church even if those around me find it unacceptable for the Church speaks for You.

 Lk 12.54-59

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