Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Lectio: Lk 1.46-56

Meditatio: “His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him.” Lk 1.50
Oratio: "O God, You are just and You are merciful.

I remember Mary proclaimed that Your mercy is from age to age.

Grant that I may always rejoice in You always for Your kindness and mercy and always there for us.

I ask this of You, who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: Reflect on “fear him” - fear means reverential awe of the Lord in the Old Testament; the disposition which is required for God’s mercy; resolve to have a reverential fear of the Lord so that His mercy may be always mine.

Tomorrow’s reading - Lk 1.57-66

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