Tuesday, November 3, 2015



Lectio: Lk 14.25-33                                                                                                                        

Meditatio: “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple”Lk 14.26                                                                        
 Oratio: O God, Jesus requirements for discipleship seems so harsh but then we realize He is using hyperbole to make the point; namely, discipleship requires total dedication. Pray to give Jesus your total self while continuing to love all for Jesus is a God of Love and He wants us to imitate His love.                                                    
I ask this and all things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: spend some time in silence & meditate on the selected passage and hear what  God speaks to you,

Operation: reflect: "hating...father...mother....cannot....disciple”; total dedication is
Jesus’ requirement of His disciples and love and not hate. Seek the grace to be always there for the Lord and put Him first in our life.

Tomorrow's reading:Lk 15.1-1911.03.15

Lectio: Lk 14.25-33                                                                                                                        

Meditatio: “If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple”Lk 14.26                                                                        
 Oratio: O God, Jesus requirements for discipleship seems so harsh but then we realize He is using hyperbole to make the point; namely, discipleship requires total dedication. Pray to give Jesus your total self while continuing to love all for Jesus is a God of Love and He wants us to imitate His love.                                                    
I ask this and all things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: spend some time in silence & meditate on the selected passage and hear what  God speaks to you,

Operation: reflect: "hating...father...mother....cannot....disciple”; total dedication is
Jesus’ requirement of His disciples and love and not hate. Seek the grace to be always there for the Lord and put Him first in our life.

Tomorrow's reading:Lk 15.1-1-10

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