Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Lectio: : Is 41.13-20

Meditatio: "The afflicted and the needy seek water in vain, their tongues are parched with thirst." Is 41.17

Oratio: "O God, You are always there for us even in our darkest hours.

I remember Your prophet, Isaiah, declared to the Jewish people in exile that you would not forsake them - and You did not!

Grant that no matter how dark the day that I may always realize and rejoice that You are there for me and will see me through.
I ask these and all things through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: reflect on "forsake"; abandon, cast off; in prayer thank God that He never abandons us even when we abandon Him and always place myself under His loving care.

Tomorrow's reading: Is 48.17-19

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