Sunday, March 18, 2012


Lectio: 2 Sm 7.4-5a,12-14a,16

Meditatio: “Your house [David’s] and your kingdom shall endure forever before me. Your throne shall stand forever.” 2 Sm 7.16

Oratio: "O God, Your promises on their face at times appear to be impossible to keep - but what is impossible for us is possible for You.

I remember through Your prophet, Nathan, You informed King David his kingdom would endure forever - impossible! But Your Son would be born of the Davidic line and through Him You have fulfilled Your promise.

Grant that I may never doubt Your promises especially Your promises to be merciful and to grant eternal life to those who believe including to those who are searching for You..

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: Reflect: "forever”; without end, eternal; an attribute of God; impossible for us on our own; for us now because Jesus declared that He is the resurrection and the life and all who believe in Him even though they die, will live - How wonderful, how generous of our God. In prayer thank God for destroying the effects of death for us and ask for the grace to be always faithful to His wishes.

Tomorrow's reading: Ez 47.1-9, 12

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