Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Lectio:::Mk 6.1-6

Meditatio: "So he was not able to perform any mighty deeds there, apart from curing a few people by laying his hands on them." Mk 6.5

Oratio: "O God, You require so little of us but You do want us to have faith in You.

I remember Jesus encountered a lack of faith in His hometown and was unable to do any mighty deeds there - how sad for them!

Grant that I may always cherish the gift of faith which You have given; may I always practice it so as to enjoy Your love now and forever.

I ask these and all things through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with the

Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: Keep silence and remain in recollection for a few minutes.

Operatio: reflect on "faith"; a confident hope that a thing unseen IS; in prayer thank God for revealing Himself through His prophets and especially through His Son; and seek the grace to respond to the gift of faith by doing the Father’s will for that is the best way of showing my gratitude..

.Tomorrow's reading :Mk 6.7-13

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