Thursday, August 11, 2011


Lectio: Mt 19.3-12

“He [Jesus] said to them [Pharisees], ‘Because of the hardness of your hearts, Mosses allowed you to divorce your wives, but form the beginning it was not so’.” Mt 19.8

“ O God, from the beginning You gave the nuptial union as a source of joy but also as a source of responsibility.

I remember Jesus preached the sanctity of the nuptial union and one should not divorce and remarry.

Grant that I may ever revere the nuptial union as a foreshadowing of the intimacy of the love You desire to have with us.

I ask this of You who lives and reigns with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen.

Operatio: Reflect on the “nuptial union” - intimacy, joyful, a union of a man and a woman, faithful, exclusive - a love that Christ has for us; a love we are called to imitate regardless of our personal vocations. Pray for the grace to love others as Jesus loves us.

Tomorrow’s readings: Mt 19.13-15

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