Friday, May 22, 2015


Lectio:  Jn 21.20-25                                   

Meditatio: "It is this disciple who testifies to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true..” Jn 21.24    

Oratio: O God, You provided the evidence of Your Son so that generations after generations would come to believe.

I remember John the Evangelist wrote his Gospel to testify to the things that pertained to Jesus so all thereafter would have solid testimony and come to believe in Jesus. Pray for a love of the Gospels for they are the source of the Good News for us. May we always revere them.

I ask this and all things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

Contemplatio: spend some time in silence and meditate on the selected passage and hear what God is saying to you.

Operatio: reflect:"testifies....written...true”; the purpose of the Gospels as John wrote is to provide true and reliable testimony to Jesus. Seek the grace to live the Good News for that is why Jesus brings us to faith - a faith that is based on solid evidence.

Tomorrow's reading: Jn 20.19-23

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